Please join BBASS – the SENSEI will direct you through a program of deliberate practice to improve your understanding and function of your hands. This is done by teaching you the BASICS and offering a framework for you to practice on low fidelity models at home.
Registration at a local DOJO of £50.00 will entitle you to full tuition and instruction until you achieve your BLACK BELT. You can seek any DOJO that is local to you to continue your training. Your will receive your own set of instruments for you to practice at home using our recommended ‘Delia Smith Home recipes for practice. All you need is an ironing board and a pudding basin. You are invited to present yourself to a DOJO – see map- in your local hospital and a SENSEI will evaluate your progress and help you refine your skills. You can take as long as you want to reach BLACK BELT, but you can only grade one belt at a time every two months i.e. your journey from White Belt to Black Belt will take you a minimum of eighteen months.