Non Dominant Hand
Understand the difference between toothed and non toothed forceps
Pick up rice grains off the table
Pick up black rice out of pile of white rice grains
Pick up rice grains and can sort into containers – white/black
Pick up rice grains and can sorts into numbered teaspoons
Pick up rice grains and insert into end of straw
Pick up rice grains into coloured bendy straw in time frame
All of the above
Uses forceps appropriately for dissection without crushing tissue
Non Dominant Hand
Understand the difference between toothed and non toothed forceps
Pick up rice grains off the table
Pick up black rice out of pile of white rice grains
Pick up rice grains and can sort into containers – white/black
Pick up rice grains and can sorts into numbered teaspoons
Pick up rice grains and insert into end of straw
Pick up rice grains into coloured bendy straw in time frame
All of the above
Uses forceps appropriately for dissection without crushing tissue